Me and these Swedish Hasbeens are getting married. They are THE best purchase I've ever made. They have revitalized my entire wardrobe. They make me 3 inches taller and they are the most comfortable things ever.
I was obsessed with this movie when I was in high school. Now I'm obsessed with Brett Easton Ellis' books. I freaked when I found a copy with this cover I had never seen before! Really great treat for $4.
Rick Owen's wife greeted us at the door of the Palais Royale store. This lady is one of a kind, breathtaking. Like a Goth/Gypsy/Punk Rock Priestess. I had to hide my excitement and act all hey, what's up?
Picked up a few tops from the Bess sample sale Tuesday. I got one of their printed tees and a gorgeous kimono top. The kimono top is perfect for hanging around the house while casting spells.
I've been wanting some KW sunglasses pretty much since she introduced the line but I couldn't ever quite make it happen. Looking around for some new eyewear, sick of everything in my arsenal, I was getting quite discouraged when I happened upon these. My new Classic. And, is it just me, or did these get less expensive?
Finally got up to Bendel's to pick up this cool new polish by Mike Potter, the guy who did the makeup for Hedwig. I was going to get the matte black but ended up with the red called Karen O and the green called Liberty as in Statue of___. I don't usually wear red despite my husband's constant pleading but I couldn't pass this one up. It has a really 'Pretty Baby' feel. Also grabbed Flatte Top which can be used as a basecoat, topcoat and makes any polish matte which is an exciting prospect on it's own! I'm wearing red today. p.s. It dries in like a second so you can change every day!
Picked up a fun-filled totebag from the Topshop via HeartsChallenger van. Unfortunately I lost the pic of the cute girls in the bowler hats handing out the stuff. The giftcard is worth up to $500 but can only be used opening day so it's going to be a bloodbath situation. Can't wait for tomorrow anyway!
I picked up this book at the Strand last week. It's called Elle Style The 1980's! What? I was obsessed with Elle in the 80's. This book is all images from the French Elle but has the same spirit as the ones I used to pour over in elementary and high school. I even have a small collection of my old mags and am always scouring eBay for ones I don't have. The Roberta Chirko covers are my faves. I don't have any of those unfortunately. But I'm always searching...